Wednesday, 29 November 2017


Controversial T-shirt seller Milo Yiannopoulos was at the centre of another media storm after he told a Lebanese-Australian journalist that all Muslims should be deported from Australia and the West in general.

Milo made the comment in Australia, where he is on tour, during an interview with Emma Eros. Despite her unlikely name and the fact that she was dressed like a cheap slapper looking for a pump and dump, Ms. Eros claimed to be a practising Muslim. However, when quizzed by Milo about Islam, she showed little real knowledge of the popular Middle Eastern faith founded by Mohammed in the 7th century.
"Expel Islam from the West," Milo said. "Anyone who describes themselves as a Muslim, send them back to the Middle East. If you describe yourself as a Muslim, if you believe in the precepts of Islam, all the things Islam seems to produce in those countries, I think you should go." 

There are many reasons to oppose Islamic colonization of the West, for example:

1. Deeply divided societies
2. An influx of lower IQ people
3. Terrorism and murderous violence
4. A sharp decline in intellectual culture
5. Sharia no-go zones
6. The banning of alcohol and pork products
7. Cruel methods of animal slaughter
8. Cruelty to dogs
9. Child rape gangs
10. The replacement and extinction of the original inhabitants...etc., etc.

Milo's motivation, however, is thought to include none of the above. His main reason for wishing to expel millions of Muslims from the West is because he fears that they may interfere with his freedom to suck Black cock, an activity that he has often expressed enthusiasm for

While the Koran and the example of the Prophet Mohammed's own life allow rape, slavery, certain kinds of murder, and pedophilia, one of the many things it frowns on is gay sex.

However, it is wrong to see Islam and the nihilistic hedonism that Milo represents as opposing forces. In fact, they are symbiotic. This is because any society that falls pray to the extreme Libertarianism and atomised hedonism that Milo favours will inevitably have plummeting birth rates, weakened ideological defences, and a confused collective identity that provides the prefect conditions for Islamic colonisation.


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