Monday, 20 November 2017

NAPOLCOM resolution baseless, irresponsible, fake? 17 TARLAC MAYORS THROW SUPPORT, VOUCH LACSON


He is clean, he deserve our support.

By: Central Luzon News Center | Nelson Bolos

Thus, said the mayors of the province who signed a Resolution ?expressing unequivocal support? to Concepcion town mayor Andy Lacson.

The local chief executives who comprise the League of Mayors of the Philippines, Tarlac Chapter (LMP-Tarlac), met in this town in a special meeting primarily to sign their resolution.

The resolution says, ?most unthinkable and painful is when is suspected to have a hand on illegal drugs and much more when (this is) made public through print or media (news)?.

?The LMP-Tarlac resolution was made to manifest our support to mayor Lacson and (Camiling mayor) Erlon Agustin.

The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) issued just recently its own resolution tagging 4 mayors of Central Luzon as ?involved in illegal drugs trade/activity?.

Many here described the NAPOLCOM resolution as ?baseless, a fake and a like?.
?We express our one hundred percent attestation to the fact that both mayors are with unquestionable integrity, honesty, credibility and dedication to good moral acts and deeds. We vouch that mayors Lacson and Agustin are God-fearing persons and we have high esteem for them ?, said the LMP-Tarlac.

Upon the release of the ?controversial? NAPOLCOM resolution which stripped the mayors of their supervisory control over their respective police units, a large spontaneous ?indignation rally? was held at the Concepcion plaza where speakers took turns in lambasting the NAPOLCOM and belied the commission?s accusation that Lacson was involved in drugs.

?As far as we know, (the mayors) were never involved in any crime, nor have been charged in court of law, nor have found protecting, cuddling or associating with unscrupulous persons?, also said the LMP.

LMP Tarlac president Moncada mayor Lita Aquino said, ?It?s a big lie. We solidly stand behind him (Lacson)?.

While San Manuel Mayor Benjamin Tesoro lamented, ?The allegation is very damaging to a very decent man (Lacson) who is too fragile to be involved in such a dirty trade (drugs). I don?t believe (the report). Never?

Meanwhile, the Vice-Mayors? League of the Philippine (VMLP) Tarlac president Vice Mayor Danilo David of Concepcion said, ?I personally know Andy since he was a kid. I can personally vouch that he is not into drugs. Politika lang ang rason kaya siya nadawit sa droga?.

David also revealed that the VMLP will also issue a resolution condemning the ?baseless and irresponsible NAPOLCOM resolution? which identified Lacson as involved in drugs.


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