Saturday, 25 November 2017


Time Magazine is a good contender for worst magazine in the world. It's bland, middle-brow, dentists-waiting-room style makes whatever it reports on sound like old, boring fake news. Essentially it is to news and comment what Reader's Digest is to cutting edge literature -- suitable for your granny. In fact it's been like that since anyone can remember.

It is the quintessential Boomer mag. But now even Trump, who is, in a sense, the ultimate boomer, seems to have lost all respect for it, Tweeting out his contempt, after the magazine approached him about being its "Man of the Year":

This is pretty funny as Trump used to make a big thing about being on the cover of Time Magazine. So, what is going on here? 

On Trump's side, he probably feels that he has helped boost the magazine in the past to the Boomers who frequent his hotels and cold clubs, but that the magazine has been dismissive of him, running negative articles like the rest of the liberal dominated media.

But what about Time Magazine? Why are they so keen to have Trump on the cover as "Man of the Year" one year after he was on the cover"Man of the Year"? 

Well, a lot of this has to do with money, as the magazine is about to be sold to a media corporation in which the Koch brothers are heavily involved

The synergy here is that Trump is the most "climate change denial" President to ever sit in the White House, while the Koch brothers have enormous capital invested in the oil and gas industries. 

Yes, it looks like the editors at Time were getting ready to suck up to the new owners by reaching out to Trump, but Trump wasn't having any of it. Expect root and branch "editorial restructuring" once the Time deal goes through. And who will be Time's Man of the Year? Probably Donald Trump, but I think this guy also has a good chance:

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