Sunday, 3 December 2017


It might be all the paywalls that have sprung up of late, or it might be all the lawyers that are now advising certain member of the Alt-Right facing civil suits in the wake of Charlottesville, but it's definitely getting harder to figure out just what is really going on in the movement.

In particular, many people who take an interest in the movement are baffled by the recent split between Identity Europa and Operation Homeland, a new splinter activist organization, endorsed by Richard Spencer.

At first this seems like fallout from the "Great Optics Debate" -- and maybe it is -- but, looking at the article announcing the formation of Operation Homeland on, it seemed like somebody was cloning somebody. Just look at this image that accompanied the article.

Stars and Stripes? 


THOT-lite woman promising to turn into trad wife? 
So, looking at this nice picture and reading the group description, the question it raises is how is this different from the direction Identity Europa want to go in? This was more or less spelled out by the organisation's new head Patrick Casey in an interview with Red Ice TV.

I mean, everyone now agrees with the position -- laid out by Colin Liddell in 2014 in this article, this article, and this one -- that Nazi LARPing and using lots racial epithets (basically "Stormerism") just paints the White identitarian movement into a rather sticky corner. 

That approach was not a serious problem during the anonymous trolling phase of the Alt-Right, but now that the movement has moved into IRL, meatspace activism -- and obese SJWs are dropping dead of heart attacks as a consequence -- the time has come for the movement to take a more optically or morally defensible approach.

Seventh Son from TRS accurately described this as "Colin Liddell posting" in a recent un-pay-walled Daily Shoah podcast. But basically, anyone with an IQ above room temperature who isn't a secret ADL shill or gay fetishist agrees with this view of advancing the cause. So, there you have it.

But, looking at Identity Europa and Operation Homeland, which contains some ex-Identity Europa people, it seems like they are both on the same page. Possibly, as with any sectarian divide, the differences may be absurdly minor, rather like the medieval scholastic debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Either way, if there is going to be a split, it might be a good thing, as it sets up two competing organisations with the same goal that will be forced to continually raise their games in order to compete with each other. 

The only question with a divorce like this is who gets custody of the polo shirts and tiki torches, and will there be visiting rights.

An equitable settlement would ensure that both organisations have access to the polos and tikis.

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