Friday, 1 December 2017


Killed a Gringo in a blue state? No problem! Kick back, relax, and await acquittal.
San Francisco is probably the most Trump-hating place in America. In the 2016 Presidential election, San Francisco county had the highest anti-Trump vote in the nation -- 84.5% for Hillary and 9.2% for Trump. 

But people are supposed to draw a line between their political convictions and their duties as jurors in a murder trial, aren't they? The latest news from the city shows that they didn't. By acquitting Garcia Zarate, the killer of Kate Steinle, San Franciscans have effectively declared war on White America.

In 2015, Garcia Zarate, a five-times-deported illegal Mexican migrant, pointed a gun at 32-year-old Kate Steinle and her father on a crowded pier and shot at them, killing Kate. At the time Zarate was enjoying the legal immunity that people like him enjoy in "sanctuary cities" like San Francisco.

This case became notorious when Donald Trump picked it up to highlight the problems caused by mass, illegal immigration and sanctuary cities in his run for the Presidency. Considering how close that election was, the "political capital" that Trump extracted from the case could very well have made the difference between him getting into the White House or not. That shot on Pier 14 rang around the World!

Kate Steinle
In any normal trial this would have been an open-and-shut case, resulting in a conviction for murder, or at the very least manslaughter, with the killer doing jail time or facing execution. Instead Zarate was acquitted and set free by the 12-person jury, which contained three fellow migrants.

Basically, what happened here is that leftist Whites on the jury, along with the non-White jurors, decided that it would be a great idea to play politics with the death of a beautiful, blonde White woman by simply acquitting her killer, as if he had merely run over a dog in the street. 

In fact, try running over a dog in San Francisco and see what happens to you. I'm pretty sure you'll be dealt with more severely than if you are an illegal immigrant shooting a White person for kicks. 

This is clearly a decision driven by irrational hatred of Trump and all Whites. It shows you that leftists are emotionally and mentally unstable to the point where they should never be allowed to sit in judgement on other people, let alone vote.  

But is it any wonder these 12 jurors made such an atrocious choice? Last year most if not all of them would have voted for Hillary Clinton.

After this horrific judicial decision, Trump should forget all about squaring up to peaceful faraway nations like North Korea and Iran, and instead focus his energies on America's real enemy, the state of California and all it represents. 

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