US physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shares images of illustrations of the cities of the future as imagined by artists decades ago
Many of the skylines depicted in the illustrations were similar to the current skyline in Dubai.
"I know what that feels like, I experienced that and it has faded across the ocean for me, and I’m delighted to see a resurgence of that here in the Middle East. This is drawing what is already a legacy.”
Talking about the real challenges that human beings face in space exploration, deGrasse Tyson highlighted the challenge of funding above all else.“It’s hard to get money for research on fields that the public does not complete understand...,” he said.
However, deGrasse Tyson felt space exploration had an enormous impact on culture.
“Space is a gateway subject to the sciences, it is the ideal driver into the STEM fields, which are the engines of tomorrow’s economy. If you want to become an innovation nation, invest in a space project.”
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