Monday, 20 November 2017


Turkey has decided to shut down all events of a lesbian (L), gay (G), bisexual (B), trans (T) or intersex (i) nature in its capital city of Ankara "until they can figure out what the hell is going on." This means that the ban could be forever, as there is still no rational explanation for LGBTi behaviour, and no good reason why the rest of the population should be subjected to public displays of the sexuality of a few  confused people. 

The restrictions were made by Mr. Mehmet Kiliclar, the Governor of Ankara, a close political ally of Turkey's leader Recep Erdogan, and came into effect on Saturday (18th Nov) for an �indefinite� period. The measure means that all LGBTI-themed film screenings, theatres, panels, and exhibitions are now "verboten."

The reason given is that such events are a security risk as they may cause animosity between different groups and endanger �health and morality," as well as the rights and freedoms of others. 

Child abuse is a frequent feature
of gay parades in the West.
That is certainly the case in Australia, where the recent push for "same sex marriage" led to a witch hunt atmosphere by supporters of the innovation, which led to people opposed to the reform being hounded out of their jobs and other positions.

The crackdown in Turkey comes in the wake of the arrest in June of 25 LGBTi activists, who attended a homosexualist parade that the government had banned to protect public morals. 

Public nudity, sex between anonymous males, and child abuse are frequent features of homosexualist parades in the West. 

It is therefore perfectly understandable that Turkey, as a conservative Islamic nation that prioritises healthy family values, wants to find out just what the hell is going on before granting its tiny population of sexually confused people the same privileged position that they hold in the West, where anyone criticising them can be hounded out of public life and even arrested.

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