Scientists are predicting that 2018 will be a year of devastating earthquakes across the world and particularly in the densely populated tropics. More disturbingly, the predictions are based on an extremely reliable method for predicting the frequency of large earthquakes, which scientists have accurately linked with tiny variations in the speed of Earth�s rotation that nevertheless release vast amounts of underground energy.
According to the Observer newspaper:
The link between Earth�s rotation and seismic activity was highlighted last month in a paper by Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado in Boulder and Rebecca Bendick of the University of Montana in Missoula presented at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America.
The correlation between Earth�s rotation and earthquake activity is strong and suggests there is going to be an increase in numbers of intense earthquakes next year," Bilham told the Observer last week.
In their study, Bilham and Bendick looked at earthquakes of magnitude 7 and greater that had occurred since 1900. "Major earthquakes have been well recorded for more than a century and that gives us a good record to study," said Bilham.
According to Bilham and Bendick's research there have been five periods of intense earthquake activity. �In these periods, there were between 25 to 30 intense earthquakes a year,� said Bilham. �The rest of the time the average figure was around 15 major earthquakes a year.�
The only thing linking these periods of intense earthquake activity were five-year periods when the Earth's rotation speed slowed by mere milliseconds. They also reported that one of these periods began more than four years ago.
"The inference is clear," said Bilham. "Next year we should see a significant increase in numbers of severe earthquakes. We have had it easy this year. So far we have only had about six severe earthquakes. We could easily have 20 a year starting in 2018."
Although it is not considered scientific to say so, earthquakes are often considered a punishment from God. Viewed in these terms, California, a state that has legalised drugs, protects illegal immigrants, including gang members, and which allows gay men with AIDs to infect other gay men, must be a prime target of any divine vengeance directed through the agency of tectonic forces.
Other prime targets for God's wrath are India, where "Indian sex thirst" has been showing signs of getting out of hand recently, and Japan which continues to produce large amounts of soy and anime porn, creating a global blight of soyboys and weeaboos. But personally, I'm placing my money on California.
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