There is an old expression about two gruesome individuals deserving each other, and if anywhere is likely to make that kind of pairing come off then it is the New York subway.
Enter Sam Sweeney Saia (aka Bantersaurus Rex, aaka @proud_smartass) a 37-year-old pudgy-faced redhead and self-declared SJW and "anti-racist" twitterhag.
Back in August 2016, in the wake of Hillary Clinton's speech mentioning the Alt-Right she tweeted, "New campaign slogan suggestion: Make Racists Afraid Again," obviously advocating violence against Alt-Righters and anybody else she subjectively decides is a "racist," whatever that term means nowadays.
Next enter her nemesis, 56-year-old Derek Smith, a skinny Black guy who happens to sit down next to her on the subway.
You would think that, as a proud SJW, she would be pleased as punch or get some kind of kick out of that, but, no, he also happens to be a heterosexual male, so he must be "manspreading." (Whether he was or not is entirely beside the point as SJWs live in a subjective Manichean universe, where almost everybody is doing evil just by existing.)
She promptly ticks him off, whereupon Smith flares up, thinking he smells bossy "White privilege."
"Bitch, you ain�t nothing! I�ve raped white bitches like you, you fucking cunt!" he tells her, before smacking her and giving her a thick lip. So, a self-declared rapist and proud of it too. Nice!
He then gets kicked off the train by a white knighter, and is subsequently arrested by police.
He then gets kicked off the train by a white knighter, and is subsequently arrested by police.
I like it when our "greatest strength" -- diversity -- comes together in this poetic sort of way.
I like it when our "greatest strength" -- diversity -- comes together in this poetic sort of way.
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