Tuesday, 12 December 2017


Ed Lee, the Chinese-American mayor of San Francisco, the "Sanctuary City" where Kate Steinle was shot and killed by a six-times deported Mexican migrant, has been struck down in an equally sudden and unexpected way. 

The 65-year-old mayor was doing a little light grocery shopping, when he keeled over with a heart attack and died at the city's Zuckerberg General Hospital. (Yes, that was literally the name of the hospital.)

According to Breitbart, this is the first time that a prominent mayor has died in office since Chicago�s Harold Washington died in 1987. The rarity of such deaths and the timing of Lee's death -- so close to the decision by a jury of liberals from his city to allow Kate's murderer to go free -- suggests the possible involvement of a higher or supernatural force, like a curse or even divinely directed vengeance.

As the Democrat mayor of the most Trump-hating city in America, Lee was of course a rabid supporter of San Francisco's "Sanctuary City" status, and thus partly to blame for Kate's death. In fact, in the immediate aftermath of the jury's decision, Lee issued a gloating and tactless statement asserting that San Francisco is and always will be a "Sanctuary City." 

If dark, psychic or supernatural forces have been unleashed by such actions, the only question is where will they strike next?

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