Tuesday, 12 December 2017


In what looks like being a major Pyrrhic victory, the Democrat Party has narrowly won the Alabama Senate race, according to exit polls, with their candidate Doug Jones managing to squeak past Roy Moore, a pariah candidate who has successfully been painted as a "racist pedo" by the media and disowned by many in his own Republican party. 

Despite this extremely negative image being successfully spread for months through the media, the Democrats were still unable to win the White vote, with Moore getting 74% of White male votes and 65% of White females. 

It was only thanks to a massive Obama-style turnout by the state's Black population that "racist pedo" Roy Moore could be defeated, with 92% of Black men and 97% of Black women voting against him, according to exit polls.

Even with all this arrayed against him, Moore is still refusing to concede defeat, as the vote count is still so close that Moore could be entitled to call for a recount. In Alabama, if the margin of victory is under 0.5 points, a candidate can ask for a recount. 

As there have been rumours of huge voter fraud and ballot stuffing in "urban" areas, a recount could well uncover irregularities in the voting process, while also reversing what is still a paper thin margin of victory for the Dems. 

But whether the Dems hang on or Moore still manages to find a way to victory, the take home message here is that the Dems are so unpopular that they even have trouble competing against someone widely perceived of as a KKK-supporting kiddie diddler. This does not augur too well for the mid-terms. 

The other take home message is that the Dems are even more dependent on the Black vote than they were under Obama, something that can only help to push US politics increasingly into the realm of ethnopolitics, as long predicted by the Alt-Right.

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