Wednesday, 13 December 2017


The push for BREXIT suffered another major setback last night after British MPS, including 12 traitorous rebel Conservatives, voted 309 to 305 to subject any future BREXIT deal to a parliamentary veto.

This vote greatly weakens the British government's ability to negotiate a BREXIT deal that serves British interests, and could lead to a chaotic situation where opposition parties reject any deal in order to bring down the government while Conservative rebels bring down the government in order to reject any deal.  

With the government of Prime Minister Theresa May weakened in this way, it will be increasingly hard for it to resist the demands of the EU over issues like one-sided EU access to British markets and the "free movement" of people, which will likely result in a massive influx of immigrants, including Third World "refugees" into the UK.

Since British  voters voted for BREXIT back in June 2016, the losing side, the "Remoaners" as they have been nicknamed, have been doing all that they can to resist and sabotage the democratic will of the people. In this, they have been behaving exactly like the Deep State element opposed to President Trump in America.

BREXIT is in a particularly bad situation, with many in both the ruling Conservative Party and the main opposition Labour Party keen to water it down as much as possible, assisted in this by other elements in the establishment, like the mass media, the financial sector, and the civil service.

The end result of this is that the UK will continue to be subjected to European control, but, because of BREXIT, has lost all input into the EU control mechanism.

Both BREXIT and Trump, the two great populist victories of 2016, have demonstrated the rule that DEMOCRACY IS ONLY ALLOWED IF THE PEOPLE VOTE THE WAY THE ESTABLISHMENT WANTS THEM TO VOTE. When they don't, then the establishment takes a "by any means necessary" approach to undermining and rescinding the democratic decision of the people.

The only response to this is further radicalisation of the masses through popular nationalism.

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