Friday, 8 December 2017


One of the most disturbing trends of recent years has been the explosion of transgenderism in the West. This is nothing less than an existential issue, as no society can survive without clear gender roles resulting in healthy birthrates. Now it appears that one of the main causes of the upsurge in transgenderism is feminist-driven autism, according to a new study from Sweden that surveyed more than 47,000 adults.

The study, conducted by chief investigator Kyriaki Kosidou and others at the Karolinska Institute, found that adults who have characteristics of autism are about three times as likely as their peers to not identify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. In other words they are likely to be down the far end of the ever-expanding LGBTQIAPK acronym.

Past studies have indicated that "minority sexual orientations" are over-represented among people with autism. This year, for example, one study reported that nearly 70% of 309 people with autistic traits reported being non-heterosexual, compared with 30% of typical adults.

By the way, just let those figures sink in. 30% of "typical adults" reported that they are non-heterosexual, while 70% of Auties did. Even if it was not a particularly wide-ranging survey, those are still extremely disturbing numbers. No wonder the Muslims are taking over.

The more recent survey, looking at 47,000 people in Sweden, did not paint such a disturbing a picture as that smaller survey, but it also showed a strong link between autism and transgenderism. 

3,000 of the respondents (7.5%) were classified as having traits associated with autism. When asked to select their sexual identity as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, 19.1% selected "none of the above," while 77% reported being heterosexual.  This compared to  6.8%  and  89.5% for those without autism. "Traditional" non-heterosexual sexual identities -- namely homosexual and bisexual -- accounted for only 4% of autistic people and 3.7% of non-autistic people. 

One of the main effects of transgenderism is to push the Overton Window for more "traditional" non-hetero sexuality. Old-fashioned buggery now seems comparatively "straight-laced," "conventional," and even fuddy-duddy compared to some of the more recent sexual aberrations, like intersex, genderfluid, and pedo, which is now being normalised by the Left. 

But why are autistic people so prone to transgenderist tendencies?  

John Strang, director of the gender and autism program at the  Children�s National Health System in Washington, D.C., who was not involved in the research, believes it may simply be a reporting bias, as autistic people have a tendency to report more honestly than non-autistic people, who prefer to socially signal and say what they feel is appropriate within a group context, 
"One might consider how that characteristic of direct and concrete honesty, which is so common among autistic people, might lead them to more honestly describe their sexuality as outside of established categories," Strang says.
The bottom line here is that once people start moving away from the traditional gender identities of cisgender male and cisgender female, then everything is broken. What Tolstoy said about happy and unhappy families could be applied equally well to heterosexual and non-heterosexial people, with each being unhappy in its own way.
"These traditional categories are not working," says the study's chief investigator Kyriaki Kosidou. "To address sexuality is important in clinical settings, but our findings show that we have to think out of the box; we have to think progressively."
Yeh, think progressively...Well, the last time we thought that "progressively," the Emperor/Empress Heliogalabalus was on the throne of Rome and the Empire was about to fall.

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